Parking Control and Access Control - Bobinas Térmicas - Regispel
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Parking Control and Access Control

Regispel has the ideal paper or parking ticket supply, either for parking access gates or for people access control.


Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Business Complexes, Exhibition Centers, Airports, Universities, Arenas, and Stadiums. You can count on the experience, tradition and credibility of those who are pioneers. Wherever there is a parking lot, Regispel rolls or tickets will be there.


Width precision, faithful footage, seamless cutting, perfect side cutting. In short, the best paper roll for perfect operation, free of problems and unexpected stops.


Our products are compatible, approved and recommended by the main players in the segment, such as WPS Brasil, Link, Dimep, Nepos, Embratecc, Technext, Prosiga, AVC, etc.

Order your Rolls Paper Regispel now

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